The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol
National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol
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Forging steps and marching towards a nation free of alcohol and drug abuse

National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Introducing online NACADA services. Apply and pay for alcoholic drinks import and export licenses conveniently through your e Citizen account.


Access the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse services using your eCitizen account


NACADA is a Semi-Autonomous State Corporation under the Ministry of Interior and National Administration established under NACADA Act of 2012.


A nation free from alcohol and drug-abuse.


To lead a coordinated multisectoral campaign against alcohol and drug abuse in Kenya

National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol

Online Services

Apply for our services online, after approval pay and print your license.


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Coordinating a multi-sectoral campaign and championing against alcohol and drug abuse in Kenya.

Alcohol and drug abuse have for long plagued our youth which has in turn derailed the development of the country in all three facets of growth.

National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol